Living Like Weasels Analysis

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Living like a weasel might be the best that could happen to us. After reading “Living Like Weasels,” I realized that the way we live is not good for us because it’s too much thinking that we do and it gets in the way of our success. We need to stop giving a lot of thought about things and just grasp the things we want to do the most.
In “Living Like Weasels,” by Annie Dillard explains her experience with a weasel and why we should live like one. She begins, describing the weasel nature saying that they sleep in an underground den, with his tail draped over his nose. The weasel stalks rabbits, mice, muskrats, and birds. Also, weasels live off instinct, biting his prey at the neck splitting the jugular vein or crunching on the brain at the base of the prey skull not letting go. While Dillard was at a place called Hollins Ponds where she goes to escape reality she comes across this weasel that tapped into her thoughts as she did the same. Then she describes this moment as two lovers looking at each other, or deadly enemies that met unexpectedly on an path. Finally, from her experience with a weasel she believes that we all should live like one.
The most significant idea in the text is that when it comes to living we should follow the way of the weasels. Dillard states that the way …show more content…

As for weasels, they never make excuses on doing things because if they do they will suffer the consequences of reality, which is dying. Everything a weasel does is to keep them going to see another day, it’s like survival of the fittest. In the story Dillard explains to us that weasels don’t attack they live like the way their supposed to, which is taking advantage of every moment they’re given to live a better life. The same way weasels take advantage of the moment and run with we should do the same instead of having to think about

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