Little Blue Penguins Research Paper

535 Words2 Pages

Abby Telscher
Mrs. Hinker
Bell 5
13 May 2018
Little Blue Penguins Little Blue Penguins are the smallest of the Penguin species, ranking in at around 13 inches tall and weigh the average of 3-5 pounds. The females appear smaller than the males, and are commonly darker in color. They have a white chin that carries all the way down to the rest of their body. (BioExpedition) These types of penguins are commonly found is areas of Southern Australia and New Zealand. Little Blue Penguins spend most of their lives in water, or shady and rocky environments. In these environments, that can live up to 6 years. Yet, if in an indoor facility they can live up to 20 years of age. Depending on the environment, many penguins take or find their feedings close to water. Their diet consists of fish, squid, and small sea animals. (BioExpedition) These animal begin mating around the age of 2 for a female, and around age 3 for a male. Their main way to recognize their mate, is with their very distinct mating call. The average amount of current Little Penguins is around 350,000 to 600,000, so there clearly is no worries about extinction anytime soon. …show more content…

Bumblefoot is an inflammatory condition of the soles of the feet that, if treated quickly and aggressively, can be resolved without causing long-term or significant damage to a bird. (Wag!) Rickey Kinley, the zoo's senior zookeeper, says the common assumption is that the birds' tendency to stand on dry land for long periods of time (contrary to the lifestyle of these aquatic birds in the wild) leads to the bumblefoot lesions. Penguins are relatively heavy birds, and too much time standing could lead to infections and sores. (RFID Journal) Some symptoms of bumblefoot are swelling, lameness, and redness, but they easy way to detect bumbles are checking for large ulcers on the soles of the penguins’

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