Informative Speech On Chilblains

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Do you have cold, painful feet in the winter that blister? You just may have Chilblains!

If the cold weather this time of year causes your feet to itch, burn and develop painful blisters, you may be suffering from a common condition called chilblains or pernio.

Often confused with but different than frostbite, chilblains can occur on your face, hands as well as feet and toes. Chilblains often effects those who are out in cold weather for long periods of time as well as the elderly and diabetics. Individuals with poor circulation are also at a higher risk for developing Chilblains.

What is it? People who suffer from chilblains will experience burning or itching to their skin, which worsens when changing to a warm environment from a cold one. Intense redness to the skin, fissuring and sores may develop. …show more content…

This rapid change causes a type of shock phenomenon on your skin, causing pain or itching.

These symptoms often persist for several days or even a few weeks.
The degree of symptoms depending on the degree of hot and cold that someone is subjected to as well as the duration.

Prolonged exposure to damp environments may also be a contributing factor. Dietary influences and changes in one’s hormonal balance may also make someone more susceptible.

Chilblains often may occur on its own but sometimes may be a manifestation of a serious medical condition. It is important to get evaluated by a medical professional if you are suffering from any of the above symptoms. How to stop it from happening
The best way to prevent and stop Chilblain from occurring is keeping your toes and fingers warm, as well as the whole body warm.

If you do happen to get chilblains, do not scratch any sores or blisters, as this may worsen the condition. A soothing lotion such as calamine or witch hazel may help reduce any

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