Linux And The Linux Operating System

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Linux is an operating system developed by Linus Benedicts Torvalds. The operation system is the key of communication between the software and the hardware. Linux is a free and open-source software1 built around the Linux kernel. The first event leading to its creation is the conception of the UNIX operating system implemented by Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie in 1969 and first released in 1970. They rewrote it to make it portable and it became widely adopted, copied and modified by academic institutions and businesses. In 1987, Andrew Tanenbaum released MINIX2 to typify the concepts written in his textbook, Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. The source code was available but it was impossible to modify or redistribute the system. …show more content…

One of the biggest impact is on the Android smartphone or tablet. Android is actually based on a Linux Kernel. Plus, computers and smartphones are not the only devices where Linux is used. There are routers, smart televisions, refrigerators, webservers and even stock markets. Linux is also used by some manufacturers who install it in the notebook and laptop system BIOS. The users can that way, turn on their device quickly and have immediate access to basic internet connectivity tools. Also, Linux is used in high availability and high-performance computing supercomputers. In fact, most Web 2.0 such as YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter use Linux as the core platform because when top performance and reliability is needed, there is no alternative to Linux. Furthermore, because Linux is an open-source system, any person can release patches for the problem. That is why, the security aspect is a big impact made by Linux on the IT industry. Linux users don't need to worry about spending extra money for anti-virus or other security software since the security system of Linux is stronger than the others. Plus, Linux could be used in as many devices as we want. There are compatibility programs to use common Windows software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. Another benefit of Linux is having a large number of software for different purposes. Various companies are now able to minimize their expense and offer cheaper solutions to their customers. Linux can run on low resources. This means that Linux boots and runs faster than the other OS even on old machines. Moreover, Linux is known for bringing rival companies together. The leading IT companies work together in the Linux kernel development process. Even though each of the company works for its own interest, they support a single

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