Life Orientation: Mission Statement And Creative Writing

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Danya Lipshitz 12R Life Orientation Task 1: Mission Statement and Personal Philosophy Mission Statement: I pledge to be adventurous and creative in my craft, and continue to stay motivated to learning and growing as a writer. I will do this by embracing and learning from others, from life experiences, with as much perspective, maturity and humour as possible, teaching and inspiring as I go along. I aim to reflect on the world honestly, reaching and touching as many people as I can and I will live each day with ambition and open-mindedness so that I am able to achieve this goal. My core values include: spirituality (faith, integrity, loyalty, compassion), family relationships and my career. This is order-specific, as I would never give up my faith or family for my career. Personal Philosophy: My passion for writing began at the age of four, when I would draw stories in the form of pictures and then ask my parents to write captions beneath the illustrations. I would give these stories to my brothers as birthday presents, pretending that they were one of the books you would find at a shop. This started as just a pastime, but by the age of twelve I had discovered the most powerful form of art in the entire world: creative writing. A form of art that doesn’t …show more content…

Last year, I was elected head of the Cultural Committee and a student leader, and this reinforced my dream. Through the trauma in my life, I had still learnt to set a goal, work hard with persistence and achieve a reward. For years before, I considered myself the dark horse. I was never noticed, yet would commit to arriving and interacting in every cultural event that I attended, despite often having skill for barely one line. Persistence served me well, and I can now use this lesson amongst others, to teach and equip people. I envision this being a helpful way to play my part in changing the

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