Competency Self Assessment

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These are the skills and competencies I have learned through my studies at Walden University. Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al. (2009) stated professionalism comes from my respect for those who need help. Integrity can be built with confidence in the therapist. Attitudes are charitable, polite, caring emotions toward others that fuel my motivation toward helping. This concern welfare of others comes from my religious and personal experiences as a child and young adult.
Furthermore, legal responsibility is willing to accept fault, knowing when to ask questions of a supervisor to more clearly meet the needs of the client. Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al., 2009). Moreover, this insightful implementation is the ability to evaluate and implement the soundest therapy for the client. My career identity has not been perfected in a skilled setting which would be a practicum or internship. The career character that has been built was by collaboration with colleagues at my first residency.
Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al. (2009) thought that character – evaluation is self-examination of personal and ethical issues that need to be focused upon. Self-care is taking care of your mental and physical health by regular health screenings. Also, psychotherapy is not just for clients; it is not shameful to admit that you need help. A therapist must be psychologically stable.
Inasmuch, analytic mastery is achieved in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods as part of a rigorous curriculum at Walden University. This scientific mindedness is key, recognizing life as an opportunity for an experiment (Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al., 2009). Scientific principles I learned in Research Methods and foundation classes in Applie...

... middle of paper ... of family finances. I will work on my marriage and spend quality time with my spouse. I will accept my mistakes and learn from them. I will push myself to start my nonfiction book on Fibromyalgia Best Treatments. I will follow-up with my job prospects. I will spend more time writing and learn how to revise with excellence. My ultimate goal is that I will gain employment in a temperate climate.

Works Cited

Competency Developmental Achievement Levels (DALs) of the National Council of
Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology (NCSPP) (n.d.) Retrieved from Kaslow, N. J., Grus, C. L., Campbell, L. F., Fouad, N. A., Hatcher, R. L., & Rodolfa, E. R. (2009). Competency Assessment Toolkit for professional psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3(4, Suppl), S27-S45. doi:10.1037/a0015833

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