Life In Gwendolyn Brooks 'Poem' After The Beach

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Margaret Walker’s poem “Childhood” talks about the speaker’s life and alludes to life in the south for African Americans in the line, “I also lived in low cotton country….where sentiment and hatred still held sway and only bitter land was washed away.” It has a lot of rhyming at the end of the stanzas and lines. The poem talks a lot about mining and the bad conditions of the mines.
After reading “After the Winter” by Claude McKay, I found out that he came here from Jamaica. He was a head figure in a revolution for racial rights and equal economic rights in the Harlem Renaissance. He also used his poetry to convince people and move people.
I read “Always Something More Beautiful” by Stephen Dunn. It written in a way that makes it seem as if it is about running, but I think it represents life when it says, “some feral distraction down a side path, allowing myself to pursue something odd or beautiful, becoming acquainted with a few of the ways not to blame myself for failing to succeed”. The poem is a sestet and all of the stanzas follow that form. …show more content…

It has an apostrophe when it talks about the girls. It has an A, B, A rhyme scheme, and 4 lines in every stanza. The meaning of this poem to me is the decisions that can completely change your life.
Linda Pastan’s poem “The Obligation to be Happy” reflects her dissatisfaction with being a house-wife and feeling that her true talent wasn’t being shown. She is Jewish and grew up in the Bronx and writes about how this affected her. She put writing on hold for her family, but soon started up

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