Life After The Fire Analysis

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Life after the fire. You wanna know what that’s like for me? How much time do you have? Take a seat and make sure that it’s comfortable. Grab a cup of coffee, cocoa, tea, or a glass of wine. GRAB A BEER! Whatever you need to help you relax while reading this book, make sure it’s readily available. Are you relaxed? Because we are about to have a very candid, grown-up conversation. To those of you who are holier-than-thou, have on your filtered sanctified ear muffs or you’re too sensitive for real heartfelt words, you might want to reconsider ending your read right here. If you are one of those people who gets offended by words that you don’t use, or conversation that some might call ‘In-the-gutter,’ put this book back on the shelf or close …show more content…

This walk, this life after the fire is real. I love being on this side of the fire, but it does not come without its challenges. I’m free from hell, but not free from me. And honey, let me tell you, me have some serious issues. When you’re on a certain path in your life; a journey that has been prophesied and spoken to come to pass, you have to play catch up with it. And I’m trying to do just that. I heeded God’s words and wrote my life’s story in my first book, Coming Out the Fire. In it, I took account of all the events in my life that held me in bondage. It was a tell-all-book for sure. If you read it, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, you really should get a copy. I would suggest you read it before reading this one. If you rather not, that’s not a problem. I’ll try my best to revisit some things to avoid confusing you. When I started writing my first book, the thought of exposing my life to the world was scary. But I did, with the intentions of helping others. I spoke about my life in the fire before I gave my life to God. Then one night after a church service, God saw fit to save me. I was high on God that entire night, I’m talking about completely drunk in the spirit. After leaving the church service, I returned home ready to start my life free of

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