Lgbtq Reflection

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On October 26 I attended the Alice Dreger lecture called Adding “I” to LBGTQ? which was presented in the library presentation room from two p.m. to three p.m. In this lecture Dreger had four main points regarding Intersex which was how biology is not an identity, norms and health are different, clinics should focus on healthy outcomes, and lastly if you are going to talk about LGBTQI understand it first. Towards the middle of her lecture she went into depth discussing how the phall-o-meter effects a child. Therefore, to end her lecture she gave us some questions regarding why we need to add” I” to LGBTQ. Although this lecture only lasted one hour long it was very informational and clarified most of my questions I did have prior to having the social construction lecture in class.
Furthermore, Dreger made it very clear that any person with sex development (DSD) looks like everyone else normal. Actually there are thirty-six different type of intersex situations we so far know about she stated. One thing I appreciated about her lecture were the visuals that were being represented with each difficult topic because these topics were very …show more content…

There are three distinct points which determines if you are a girl or boy. If you fall under the .9 category congratulations you are a girl although if you are between .9 and 2.5 you need surgery. Therefore, if you are at the 2.5 mark you are a boy. Another connection I made while I was listening to the lecture was another article I read in class called “Naming all the parts” by Kate Bornstein. In that article Bornstein made a direct relationship to Alice Dreger’s lecture because Bornstein discussed gender assignment, gender identity, gender role, and gender attribution. Dreger discussed how these people that have DSD are not different than a normal human. Many articles that we read tie in with this talk because of the discouragements many people go through because they are

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