Letter to Shakespeare About the Success of His Play Macbeth

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Letter to Shakespeare About the Success of His Play Macbeth

Dear William Shakespeare,

I am writing to you from the 21st century as we have developed a new

way which allows us to write letters to people in the past. I am very

glad to tell you that your play, “Macbeth”, has become very

successful. People admire what you have done in Macbeth. Macbeth is

very relevant today for example we have women like Lady Macbeth, as

well as men plotting evil crimes. Macbeth has something we call

timeless themes, timeless themes are things that are written about in

the past but still occur in every day life and are relevant to people


The people of the 21st century are very fond of the characters you put

into Macbeth. They like how Macbeth changed from a noble character to

an evil villain. The thoughts that go through his mind interest them a

lot. The way Macbeth’s conscience takes a hold of him and grows to be

a hurdle as he progresses through the play.

The social and cultural attitudes of people of my time have changed

vastly. People in the Elizabethan time respected and feared the

monarchy for example in act 5; scene 7, Macbeth’s soldiers were

fighting not because they loved him but because they were afraid that

he might kill them. The monarchy also had all the power. I am not

saying that everyone does not respect the monarchy but the majority of

people do not. The people of our time are not scared of the monarchy

now either as the people have realised that the parliament have the

most power now. The monarchy is more of an iconic figure that shows

the heritage of Britain and has a less important role in the running

of the countr...

... middle of paper ...

... ground, thus showing that the King is no more.

In conclusion as I have mentioned before, your play is very

successful. My favourite character is Banquo. I like him as you have

portrayed him as an innocent and a noble man. I feel that he is one of

the few innocent people all the way through the play because the other

characters are changed by evil around them. I loved the moment when

Banquo’s ghost came back to haunt Macbeth as it seemed very unnatural.

In that moment people at the banquet, including his wife, see Macbeth

as cowardly and insane. This was in contrast to the impression people

had before when they thought of him as a brave, fearless and noble

soldier. Overall the popularity of your play has not died down over

the years and your play has been transformed into movies and TV

programmes with great success.

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