Legalizing Abortion In The United States

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Abortion In the United States 1.1 million of women have an abortion during the period of one year. When abortion was legalized in the United States by Roe v. Wade, while many other states created more than 1,047 laws to limit the procedure of abortion. Some states believed that abortion should be legal while other states believed it should be illegal. I believe abortion should be legal. One of mytreasons would be how many kids are going to foster homes because their parents do not want the baby. The second reason would be a decrease on unsafe or illegal abortions. Many babies are going to foster homes because women did not want their baby. In the state of Arizona in 2017 there are 6,828,065 kids in foster homes right now. 1,621,528 out of 6,828,065 are under 18 years old. Many kids are raised without a mom or a dad. Abortion gives them the option to abort it before the sperm turns to a fetus. Any women can abort when the sperm is not yet form, which would be in twenty one weeks. The second reason why legalizing abortion be a good decision because it would decrease the numbers of unsafe or illegal abortions. In 2004 unsafe abortions caused 68,000 maternal deaths …show more content…

These are just some of the many more effects women have. Like in the website “Hope After Abortion” describes us all about what a woman goes through after an abortion. This can scar a women for life and cause psychological damage. Also if a women got pregnant she should accept the responsibility of having the baby and raising it. Proven by abortion hurts the fetus when doing the procedure. The way the procedure is done is in two ways. The first one would be the suction abortion and the other one would be D&E ( dilation and evacuation). In this two way the fetus is pulled and sucked down removing the fetus from the woman’s

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