Authentic Leadership

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Authentic Leadership
The world of today is filled with successful men who have become great leaders in their field of expertise and achieved many extraordinary and remarkable things. People usually wonder what these great men have that they lack and what should they do in order to even achieve similar feats. The answer to such an intriguing and complicated looking question is surprisingly simple! It is to have a heart and the attitude of a great leader. Young men are taught that if they study hard enough and long enough, they might be able to achieve some things in life which, unfortunately, is a wrong notion proved wrong by a remarkably successful man named Bill Gates. He was a college dropout but still managed to be the founder of one of the biggest IT Mammoth – Microsoft. He is just a famous example, but there are thousands other in every corner of the world, making a mark for themselves despite their poor qualifications. Their amazing ability to manage and lead is what really sets them apart. There are sayings that leaders are born, not made, but, if you follow the life of any great leader and ask them, most will give you an answer that they learnt everything they knew through the lessons of life, an open mind & positive self motivation. These points are important if you aspire to become successful and be the guy everyone else looks up to for inspiration. There are various kinds of leadership techniques that can be learnt and imbibed by anyone who is willing to go the distance. Among the many ways of being a leader, the one that seems to be the most promising is a lately evolved concept of authentic leadership.

Definition –
Authentic leadership is a methodology to leadership that accentuates building the pioneer's authentici...

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...s bound to bring a sea of change in the future. The students of today are integral factors that tailor the bright future of tomorrow. Schools and colleges can have guest lectures and additional course outlines where the students be taught on Authentic Leadership, how it plays an important role on the way to success and where to implement it in their own lives from a very young age. Students if taught the merits of authentic leadership will most likely turn out to be great leaders in the future, if they start implementing the factors of authentic leadership from a very young age.
To conclude, Authentic Leadership means to have the attitude of a just and honest leader with a transparent way of doing things instead of hiding and looking after personal agendas. So, empower and liberate yourselves by trying to become an authentic leader in your respective fields today!

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