Laura's Immature In 'The Goats'

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Do people now allow children to do foolish thing without consequences? Howie and Laura are stripped of their clothes and marooned on an island as a part of a camp tradition they then decide to leave the island. This was foolish because Laura and Howie didn't have to leave the island. Laura and Howie also choose to steal from people. Laura and Howie put other people in danger. The evidence in The Goats clearly shows that Laura and Howie´s excursion was an immature and foolish series of actions for which they should be punished. One important reason that Laura and Howies excursion was an immature and foolish series of actions for which they should be punished is that Laura and Howie didn’t have to leave the island. In the text it says ¨Margo cutter, senior counselor, came down to the beach still carrying the bag of clothes¨. This shows If the counselors were coming they didn’t need to leave. Now, some might argue that Howie and Laura didn't know the counselors were coming. But the argument that Laura and Howie didn't have to leave the island is still true. The key point is This argument is flawed because either way Howie and Laura made an impulsive decision. …show more content…

In the book When Howie and Laura are on the beach , they decide that Howie should steal from a truck. This shows instead of asking people on the beach Howie and Laura decide to steal. Of course, it is possible to disagree with the view that Laura and Howie chose to steal from multiple people and instead argue that Howie and Laura had to steal to survive. However, the weight of the evidence is on the other side. What must be remembered is that Howie and Laura always stole before they ever asked for help. This is fundamentally why Laura and Howie chose to steal from multiple people is

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