Latin American Identity In Calle 13's Song 'Latinoamerica'

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Latin American identity, something so simple yet so powerful, an idea that has caused numerous countries great political, cultural, and economical problems. Something that has been lost at times and forced back into play, an ongoing dream that has taken its toll on an entire continent. In Calle 13’s song “Latinoamerica”, the idea of Latin American identity is portrayed through the thoughts of an actual Latin American. In this piece, Calle 13 brings up numerous issues occurring in todays Latin America. It is a manifest against great economic instability in Latin America, ongoing political issues, and what true Latin American identity means. Calle 13 brings these points up with great precision, for example “Soy una fábrica de humo,
mano de obra …show more content…

“Liberals believed in free markets and where made up of many industry leaders.” (Class Discussion). A foreign consumer of banana’s on the other hand wouldn’t agree with this theory of Latin American superiority and patriotism. This character would believe it is a good thing that foreign countries are exploiting Latin America because he is purchasing the product. “Without these companies, we wouldn't have bananas.” (Class Discussion) These consumers believe that there is no harm being done and possibly it is actually good thats being done to the Latin American economy. Distinctively from these characters listed above, Jose Marti would one hundred percent agree with Calle 13’s “latinoamerica.” In Jose Marti’s “Our America” he explains how Latin Americans must not show weakness but patriotism, that they should be proud to be Latinos, and that hard work is the only way to move forward. In “Our America” Jose Marti states: “Those without faith in their country are seven-month weaklings. Because they have not courage, they deny it to the others.” This is a direct attack to those who lack patriotism and are not proud to be Latin American, he states that they are the weak link. This idea directly correlates to what Calle 13 portrays in

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