Lady Macbeth's Journal

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Lady Macbeth's Journal

Thursday 20th May 1870

Today we were honored by the visit of King Duncan. It was a great

pleasure to have our leader King Duncan in our castle. He is a

kind-hearted man and trustworthy leader for our country. He would do

anything for his country. But I'm still concerned about the letter I

got from Macbeth two weeks ago saying that the three witches told him

that he's got a chance of becoming the new King. But how can he become

the new King while Duncanis still alive? Well, I'll make sure that I

become the new Queen. Although I didn't have any problems welcoming

King Duncan the thoughts of me becoming the new Queen is still running

through my mind. I would do anything to fulfill my ambition. I have to

persuade my husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan. Yeah…that's it! If

Macbeth murders him then I can become the new Queen. But I'm going to

put an act as being really nice to King Duncan so he doesn't get

suspicious. I have to make Macbeth murder him. I will make sure he

murders him. The first job tomorrow is to tell Macbeth my idea.

Friday 21st May 1870

Today was the best day in my life. I told Macbeth my idea of murdering

King Duncan. But he didn't agree to murder him because of the trust

between the two of them. But I told him that becoming a King was more

important than his friendship with King Duncan. I don't care what King

Duncan's like as long as my ambition is fulfilled. Macbeth liked it

when the witches told him that he had the chance of becoming the new

King but when I gave him an idea of how to do it, he completely

changed his mind. He was such a coward who didn't have any nerve to

murder ...

... middle of paper ...

... Macbeth didn't show any kind of reaction at all.

Macbeth was more concerned to shout at the doctor and demand a cure

for his own situation than a treatment for me. His shouting is not

going to help him at all. It just saves him from considering his

situation calmly and realistically. The doctor said that the illness

of the mind can only be given a certain amount of treatment and the

rest must come from inside. Macbeth said that physic is a waste of

time and leaves. There is nothing we can do about this disease I bet.

Am I to blame for everything because I was the first person to give

Macbeth the idea of murdering King Duncan. But I'm suffering now for

all that I did. I'm just going mad day by day. I bet nothing is going

to sure me & my husband. We are just beyond the help of this world.

Only our deaths will 'cure' us!

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