Tragic Hero Essay

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i. What is a tragic hero? 1. “A man cannot become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.” – Aristotle, poetics a. STUDENT - A tragic hero finds his psychological mistakes himself. He goes discovering his mistakes – what is the problem with him 2. E.g. – the most tragic moment is for an idiot Is when he discovers that he is an idiot. That moment is a requirement for the idiot to become a tragic hero. 3. This is a requirement to qualify as a tragic hero. He must come to a point of enlightenment – a point he knows/ realizes what his mistake is/ was; a moment of agagnorisis – of enlightenment to know what the problem was in his own character. This is what makes him tragic; that he discovers the mistake in his own character but it is too late. 4. In addition to the other qualities of the tragic hero, it is necessary for the tragic hero to develop from …show more content…

He is a king, was a prince, son of a king and was raised up by a king e. Examples of Goodness (part of nobility - ACTION) i. He is GOOD, therefore left Corinth to Thebes for the sake of not making the prophecy of the Oracle come true ii. Oedipus answered the Sphinx’s riddle to save Thebes (even though he is not part of the city. He risked his own life for the sake of people, some of whom he never knew) iii. He never gave up on the truth 1. He always sought the truth. At the same time this could also be considered as a tragic flaw. Sometimes you do not need to know the truth. When you always try to find out the things that are hidden, it might not be good for you. iv. Oedipus pronounces a solemn curse on the murderer and promises to make him live in darkness. 1. This shows that he is a just person v. When the messenger comes back from Corinth telling him that King Polybius has died, Oedipus becomes “happy that he did not kill his father” as the Oracle had prophesied. 1. Also he refuses to go back to Corinth because he’s afraid he might kill his mother. And therefore, this is part of his own

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