Lady Macbeth's Downfall

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Striving for success is a key to living a happy healthy life, but when the ambition for success gets out of hand, people usually tend to downfall and breakdown. In 1606, the famous writer and actor Shakespeare wrote a powerful tragedy, titled Macbeth. The story starts with our hero Macbeth, who murders the king of Scotland in order to gain power of the throne, but then enters a downfall. Macbeth’s demise is ultimately brought upon by both his own actions and those of others, specifically his guilt, greed and the strong influence of his wife, Lady Macbeth.
One key internal influence that brought Macbeth to his failure was his guilt. His slippery slope starts almost immediately after the murder of king Duncan; he breaks down and is filled with guilt. Macbeth nearly goes insane and hears voices in his head “Methought I heard a voice cry ‘sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep’ the innocent sleep” (2.2.47-48), in the play Macbeth sleep …show more content…

She was a major influence on the demise of her husband mostly because of her manipulation of making him seem like he is not the man he is. She says on page 43, “we fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place / and we’ll not fail” (1.7.69-70). Lady Macbeth is basically peer pressuring Macbeth into murdering King Duncan and starting him off to his downfall. There are many other examples when lady Macbeth is taking Macbeth down a slippery slope, but there are also other times when lady Macbeth is alone and she feels like she has no trust in him. For instance when she talks to herself about fearing how she doesn’t think Macbeth is the right person for all the bad things he is doing. The irony of the play is Macbeth’s and lady Macbeths roles reverse because at the end of the play Macbeth ends up becoming the ruthless killer, and Lady Macbeth is the one filled with guilt and she ends up killing herself because of

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