LIM Personal Statement

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A genius can not beat a competitor who does not rest and a person who does not rest can not win someone who enjoys it. However, I was able to discover what I really want to do and now, I am writing this essay to attend to LIM College where I can be satisfied and be active.

To begin with, I am attending your school to specify my major and study on fashion industry which is the subject that I favor the most. LIM can fulfill my desire and passion. However, deciding to transfer did not came out easily. I previously attended University of Toronto in SOciology major but realized after an year that I lost the course of my life and needed a turning point. Therefore, I started to look into me. As I examined through myself, I realized the fact that …show more content…

Ultimately, throughout my life, I will launch my own collection and consult a firm on fashion industry. First of all, as I am looking forward to be a fashion company consultant, not a fashion designer, studying on fashion merchandise is more beneficial than any other majors. Since, LIM particularly focus on fashion merchandising, learning earned from LIM will assist me to leap several obstacles toward my dream. Second, I believe it is helpful to live in the actual field, where I am surrounded with the ones who lives with fashion. I have a belief that students with precise future plans are more likely to succeed and also people around them would be able to get positive influences. I think students in LIm is one of those types. It is where business meets fashion and only students who firmly decided to live their lives on fashion attend to a school like LIM. Having connections with them will be an another factor that would succeed me. Finally, I am planning to take a Shop Master License Test by the Korean government this winter. Therefore, LIM can provide with various internship programs in major fashion brands. If I can be the one of the successful interns of LIM. I could further develop on what I learned from studying the license and know how a shop is organized and maintained. In conclusion, I will not only achieve abilities to prepare me to persevere in the competitive world of fashion industry but also provide lifelike experience and access to

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