King Arthur Gender Roles

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How are women in the story portrayed throughout the book as the journey goes on? In the story King Arthur and the Knights of his Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, the once and future king makes his knights take on unthinkable quests on the expedition. Women are portrayed as devious, evil, and untrustworthy. One way women are presented in the book is devious. “Then Nimue by her magic closed up the passage leading to the light ,and went her way swiftly towards Camelot, leaving Merlin to rest in his tomb. And there he lies until the day of his awakening…” ( p.65)Nimue took away all of his magic so he cannot come out of the tower. She also has go and help aid King Arthur because Merlin is not able to do so. Nimues goal was to put Merlin to rest who is a enchanter from North Wales and, he will rest in the magic Forest of Broceliande. Another way to show women getting depicted as untrustworthy is Guinevere. “Oh, Lancelot, Lancelot,’ she said softly, ‘since the first day that you came to Camelot, when I was little more than a girl,the bride of King Arthur, I saw you and loved you.’ ‘ I loved you on that day also,’ said Lancelot,’and all these years I have striven against that love-but in vain.’ (p.301)
Guinevere says ‘I have …show more content…

‘On her way Queen Morgana Le Fay came to the abbey where Arthur lay recovering from his wounds;and suddenly she thought that now at least she could steal his sword Excalibur.’ ‘The King lies sleeping on his bed,’ she was told, ‘and gave command that no one was to wake him.’(p.75) Morgana Le Fay displays evilness by taking Arthur's sword. When arthur awoke from his nap he was very angry and asked people around him who took it and people told him it was Queen Morgana Le Fay. He got on his horse with Sir Outlake and found them and she threw the scabbard into the middle of the lake. Morgana Le Fey turned herself into stone and that shows that she is

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