Killer Bee Compare And Contrast

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Killer Bees The Africanized bee, also known as the “Killer bee”, is a hybrid of one of the several European Honey Bee subspecies. The bee appears to look like a European Honey Bee, although is more temperamental. However, they are smaller in size, though scientists would only be able to see the difference.
Africanized Honey Bees and European Honey Bees may be similar in appearance, but not in behavior. Africanized Honey Bees will attack when unprovoked, and they respond rapidly and in large numbers to disturbances that European Honey Bees would ignore. Like European Honey Bees, Africanized Honey Bees can sting only once; they deliver a venom identical to that of European Honey Bees. Both types of bee die shortly after leaving their stings

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