Key To Ambition

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The purpose of this work is to be of help even to younger Christians in whose hearts the Holy Spirit is working to create a holy ambition to place all their power at the disposal of the redeemer. (11-12) The book examining a Scripture at the beginning with chapters two and thirteen providing a quote from George Liddell and Francis Bacon. There are twenty – two chapters which are concise and buttressed with illustrations. Likewise, there is a study guide at the end of the book. Chapter one focuses on ambition whether it is God – centered or man –centered. The word ambition comes from a Latin word meaning “campaigning for promotion” (15).The key to ambition centered on our motives because it is not a sin to desire to be great. Ambition for the …show more content…

Leadership is influence. Sanders quotes Bernard Montgomery and Li Hung Chang. Chang’s quote nails down the essence of leadership. “There are only three kinds of people – those who are immovable, those who are movable, and those who move them” (27). Another insight Sanders mentions is we can lead others only as far along the road as we have traveled (28). Chapter five raises the question “Can you become a leader? Sanders presents twenty – seven questions for a potential leader to reflect on. In chapter six Sanders reflects on the insights on the leadership of the apostle Paul. According to Sanders Paul spells out the qualifications for a spiritual leader with five qualities namely, social, moral, mental, personality, and domestic. One final note, spiritual maturity is indispensable to good leadership (44). Chapter seven emphasizes insights on the leadership of Peter. Peter was a natural leader who was shaped by God to become a spiritual leader who came alongside others and pushed them on to greatness. I Peter 5:1-7 outlines the characteristics of the type of spiritual leader God is looking for: A leader must be a shepherd, cannot be driven by greed, not a dictator, and one who is clothed with humility (48-49). Chapters eight and nine highlight the essential qualities of leadership. There are fourteen qualities in which Sanders examined, discipline, vision, wisdom, decision, courage, humility, humor, anger, patience, friendship, tact and diplomacy, inspirational power, executive ability, the art of letter writing. Chapter ten Sanders stresses the value of being filled with the spirit. A person can have a brilliant mind and possess artful administrative skill. But without spirituality he is incapable of giving truly spiritual leadership (80). The filling of the Holy Spirit is essential for spiritual leadership. And each of us is as full of the Spirit as we really want to

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