Kevlar: Beneficial or Dangerous?

546 Words2 Pages

In this modern age we have numerous man made materials and more commonly used in our everyday lives, man made plastic materials. Almost all modern day plastics are derived from petroleum and can have negative effects on not only on our enviroment but also on our body’s. Kevlar is one of these man made plastics and it has many benefits but also many faults. Do kevlar’s benefits out way its faults? Are these benefits sometimes used to disguise the many problems with this product? Kevlar with its harmful and beneficial side effects have been discussed since the products was first introduced.

Kevlar was first synthesized in 1964 by Stephenie Kwolek in Wilmongton, USA. This products is formed by combining Phenylendiamine and Terephthaloylchlor, the product of bonding these two togetehr is a aromatic polyamide. Kevlar is made up of basic units of monomer bringing together trans conformations. This provides a naturally occuring parallel structure that is ideal to turn into fibers. This product is used in an array of items including underwater cables, brake linings, spaceships, parachutes, ...

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