Kentucky Derby Research Paper

1952 Words4 Pages

The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports On the first Saturday in May, Louisville, Kentucky hosts one of the most traditional events in history. Dating back to 1875, the Kentucky Derby brings in about 170,000 people a year. This past year, I had the privilege of being one of those 170,000 people at the 142nd Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks. My mom, step-dad, sister and I all arrived in Louisville, Kentucky on Thursday, May 5th. We stayed at The Brown Hotel in downtown Louisville. When we arrived, we were moments away from watching the traditional Pegasus Parade right outside our hotel window. As one of the oldest festivals in Kentucky, the Pegasus Parade consists of colorful floats, marching bands, equestrians and celebrities and is annually held on the Thursday before the Derby weekend. The Pegasus Parade is known to bring in millions of dollars to the economy. My family is part of a luxury traveling club called Inspirato. Inspirato is a vacationing club that gives its clients exclusive vacations and the Kentucky Derby was the first vacationing event my family went through Inspirato. This club also allowed us access to all the elite parts of the weekend. A month or two before the racing weekend, us girls sent in an idea of the kind of hat we would want to wear at the Derby that would match our dresses. Inspirato had their own personal hat designer named Gigi, who put our dreams and designs into reality. The night we arrived, we attended a cocktail party for all the members of Inspirato. As we were walking to the restaurant, we encountered an unexpected event. Five seconds before we left the hotel, …show more content…

My favorite thing about the Kentucky Derby would be getting to dress up and wear my enormous, custom-made hat. The whole atmosphere of the races was the most phenomenal feeling. I wish that everyone could experience the Kentucky Derby, because it was beyond

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