Horse Racing Research Paper

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Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: flat racing and jump racing. So the study the clinical, hematological and biochemical biomarkers are most useful information that make the race horse such a super athlete and good managed. This study was carried out on twenty one thoroughbred race horses in order to evaluate physical performance and recovery time through measuring the clinical parameters (Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Body temperature and capillary refilling time), hematological (RBCs, PCV, Hb, total and Differential leucocytic count) and biochemical biomarkers ( TP, Albumin, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, …show more content…

The results can be useful index about horse performance, the effect of race on horse metabolism and helpful in management protocols of athletic horses during training under hot climate conditions.The Thoroughbred racehorse is one of nature’s most gifted athletes, capable of utilizing nearly every muscle in its body when at a full gallop. One of the most important roles of research in equine physiology is to obtain new useful information on characteristics that make the horse such a super athlete (Jones, 2005). Perhaps the most important change for an athletic horse is in the cardiovascular system, although during acute and intense training other important modifications arise (Catalani et al., 2007). Exercise, in fact, can induce variations in plasma biochemical constituents (Chanoit et al., 2002) and (Falaschini and Trombetta 2001). The principal method to assess the efficacy of training is to verify the modifications of blood parameters relatively to the …show more content…

This is because the different types of training, racing, transport, breed and temperament can produce variations in blood constituents levels (Assenza, et al. 1996). However, only few researches studied the responses during a specific training period (McGowan, et al.,2002). Although the changes occur after exercise were poorly studied so the aim of this research was planned to evaluate the modifications of some physiological and heamatochemical parameters occurring after exercised thoroughbred horse at different interval of rest in order to assess their relationship to the standard

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