Katherine Torres Report

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This statement is in reference to the allegations filed by Katherine Newcomer. As Ms. Newcomer stated she is only the only LGBT employee that I supervise, but I have supervised or worked with other LGBT employees in the past here at the Department. In reference to Ms. Newcomer’s allegations from back in the Fall of 2011. Yes, Ms. Newcomer had allegations made against her by a fellow co-worker Brenda Torres. Ms. Torres met with Angie Kendall and me in regards to several incidents involving Ms. Newcomer in which unwanted comments and unnecessary physical contact had occurred and made Ms. Torres very uncomfortable. The following are the incidents that were discussed in the meeting that Angie Kendall and myself had with Ms. Newcomer. • In July …show more content…

Torres made a comment to co-workers when the group was having an ice cream social during their break time that she did not want to eat a lot because after work she was meeting a friend. Ms. Torres stated that Ms. Newcomer began asked questions about who she was meeting, where would they be going which made Ms. Torres very uncomfortable. This was witness by another co-worker Stacey Loban and she told Ms. Newcomer that she should not be asking Ms. Torres these questions. • In September of 2011 Ms. Torres stated was when Ms. Newcomer came up and gave her a big hug for helping with a work related issue. Ms. Torres stated that she shared this with another co-work Lisa Solis because she was very upset about the incident. This incident occurred early in morning before others has arrived to work. • In October of 2011 Ms. Torres stated that Ms. Newcomer had dressed up for Halloween and that she followed her to desk to get her to look at Ms. Newcomer’s costume at which time she rubbed up against Ms. Torres’ arm which made her very uncomfortable. Ms. Torres also mentioned on another occasion that Ms. Newcomer had dropped some papers to the floor when she walked by and Ms. Torres felt that she did this so that she could watch her walk

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