Kate Chopin Biography Essay

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Author’s Biography
Catherine O’Flaherty, better known as Kate Chopin, pictured at the left (O’Neil), was born on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri to parents Eliza and Thomas. She was the third of five children, but the only one to live past the age of twenty-five. Her mother, who had a strong French background, raised Chopin in a bilingual and bicultural home (“Biography”). The French language and culture would have a strong influence on Chopin’s literary works later in life. At the age of five, Chopin began attending The Sacred Heart Academy, a Catholic boarding school. While attending, nuns mentored Chopin, who rose to the top of her class and received many awards (Wyatt). Along with the nuns, other female figures in her life had a strong impact on young Chopin. These women included her mother, grandmother, and especially her beloved great-grandmother who taught her French, music, and gossip of past St. Louis women. These women’s intelligence and independence show a great influence on Chopin’s work (“Biography”). A great deal of …show more content…

Chopin often based the characters in her literary works on people she had met throughout her life, which is especially evident in The Awakening. For instance, the main character Edna Pontellier is modeled after an infamous New Orleans woman in the French Quarter. Another character modeled off Chopin’s friends is Dr. Mandelet. He is based on Dr. Kolbenheyer, a family doctor who was with Chopin’s mother at her death and encouraged Chopin’s writing. Lastly, Mrs. Highcamp’s daughter resembles various women in the Wednesday Club that Chopin belonged to for two years (“Biography”). This club, co-founded by T.S. Elliot’s mother, consisted of women who “wished to continue their intellectual growth, stay abreast of the times, and contribute to the community” (“About Wednesday

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