Kant's Argumentative Essay-Hunting Is Ethical

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Hunting, the act of watching, stalking, and killing animals, is an activity that has been done for both necessity and entertainment since the beginning of time and remains prevalent today. For millions of years, people have hunted and continue to hunt various types of animals for multiple purposes of sustaining life. Some commonly hunted animals include deer, bear, small mammals, large birds, and fish. Less frequent and even extinct animals, such as mammoths, dodo birds, sharks, whales, and tigers are being wiped out or are already gone due to over-hunting. As you can see, hunting proves to be beneficial, yet harmful. Many positive outcomes may be thanks to hunting, but there are also some negative consequences, causing this to be an extremely controversial topic. Some see hunting as humane, natural, and ethical, while others find it cruel, heartbreaking, and unethical. The pro-hunting versus against-hunting debate on morality remains a sensitive ethical issue, as seen through the lenses of Utilitarianism and Kant’s Theory. Utilitarianism supports hunting, while Kant’s theory opposes it. …show more content…

In this case, although hunting has its cons, its pros strongly outweighs them. According to philosopher Gary Varner, there are three types of hunting; therapeutic, subsistence, and sport. Therapeutic hunting, the killing of animals to control population, subsistence hunting, the killing of animals for human resources, and sport hunting, the of killing animals for fun. Therapeutic hunting is necessary to keep our ecosystem in balance. Subsistence hunting is morally acceptable, because its products are so helpful to humans. Sport hunting is unethical and never

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