Kaffir Boy Essay

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Education opens up the door to a world that may seem impossible. Education is important because it lets people see the world differently, teaches you how to think, and education opens the door for opportunities.
Education lets you see the world differently. For instance, when a person is not educated, they can see the world as hopeless, tough, or even cruel. This was shown in the book Kaffir Boy, written by Mark Mathabane. The father in the book was not educated. He had an oppressive time trying to make a living for his family and himself. If he would have gone to school, there would have been a better chance of making a successful living. Also, education can help people around the world. For instance, having an education allows …show more content…

To begin with, jobs can be had with education. For example, a survey from U.S Bureau of Labor statistics and U.S. Department of Labor shows that the higher the education the better the chance you will not become unemployed. In fact, if you have a Professional degree there is only 1.9% unemployment rate. This is much lower than the 9.0% that belongs with under a high school education. In addition to jobs, the better the education the more money that can be made. For instance, an education allows you to know how to do the job you want to do. Also, once the job is learned and you go above and beyond what is expected, the more money that can be made. 1,151 dollars weekly, is the difference between a job with little to no education to a job with a lot. That is a huge difference that would have an impact on many people. Last, but not least, you can see the world with an education. There are jobs everywhere in the world that need to be filled, an education can help with that. For instance, Mathabane from the autobiography Kaffir Boy was allowed to come to the U.S and finish his education. He was able to do things he never thought was possible. An education allowed him to see the U.S. This is important when all is know is that life is a struggle, and you do not know what to do next. An education opens up doors allowing people to earn jobs, get paid, and see different

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