Justin Bieber Should Not Be Deported Essay

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Justin Bieber has been on the brain of many people's brains on whether or not he should be deported from the United States due to some of his recent problems with his life. Now there are arguments to why Justin should be deported but there are reasons to why he shouldn't which is what I'm here to discuss. Justin Bieber should not be removed from the country back to Canada. Justin Bieber may have had his run-ins with the law, but I personally think that he is being unfairly judged. He is a young teen celebrity which are bound to make mistakes due to young age. Also many famous people have made mistakes while they were living here and I don't think he should be treated any differently just because she happens to be from Canada. Justin is a national icon in the U.S. which many people like and think he is talented. Now this leads to my next point that Justin Bieber is needed for America's success as a country. This young star is one of the reasons for large amounts of profit made when it comes to concerts and the economy in general. According to CNN's article stating that Justin Bieber shouldn't be deported because he was brought here with a special VISA which grants him a card into the country because of his large contributions to the country in many ways. This means that he is definitely bringing something substantial to the …show more content…

In the Justin Deportation article it states that people are not deported unless committing acts that defy moral turpitude which is things like stealing or murder. Justin has not committed acts that would completely cause him to get deported. You could use his crimes by saying that when he cost $20,000 in damage to a neighbor’s house as a felony. However you must know that he is only 19 and all this would is maybe have a check on his VISA for living in the United

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