Broken Immigration System Essay

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The United States has been known as the “Melting Pot ”and “The Land of Opportunity” for decades, but the title is slowly diminishing as scrutiny has been bombarding immigrants for wanting a better life. As questions arise of what is needed to protect the borders from possible terrorist other factors come into play such as what immigrants have to contribute to the country. Immigration is actually vital to our country since it provides the government more income, it brings the country a positive image, and DACA helps the community come together. The economy is a huge debate when it comes to immigration. Many discrepancies that arise when the topic is brought up is that immigrants mooch off The United States taxpayers, but the numbers show that …show more content…

Yet still pay taxes and they form a part of society, many of them can be classmates, colleagues or friends. Often times they do not get the same rights or opportunities that United States citizens do -even though they have lived here for most of their lives. One of the biggest victims of this broken immigration system are the kids of parents who came here without documentation and who brought their kids along hoping to find a better life. These kids live in fear of not being able to do what other kids their age do and that is why DACA has become a lifeline for people in this situation. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and even though they pay a very high fine to be able to work here legally, it does not grant them citizenship status. The Bush Center states that “ DACA recipients who, despite paying into the system, are entitled to very few state or federal benefits. Higher rates of health insurance mean less uncompensated care, which benefits all of us because uncompensated care is paid for largely through public funds” and them being able to work for less care ultimately helps out the economy. DACA is a program that brings people together because it gets rid of the obstacles that would segregate the working opportunities and it helps stitch this country

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