Judicial Branch Case Study

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How are the powers of the judicial branch unique among the three branches of government? The Judicial Branch was written to have very little power, it originally had a federal court and then had to be divided into lower. The President is in charge of appointing the justices, and all of the decision from congress and the executive branch have to go through the judicial branch in order for them to decide if it constitutional or unconstitutional. How does the principle of federalism work in the judicial branch? Federalism is the division of power in order to avoid making the central government the most powerful unit. It is the same when it comes to making laws, it is divided into congress and executive branch, but the judicial branch has to Original jurisdiction is the court that hears the case first, and the appellat then judges and appeals from the original jurisdiction courts. What FOUR things does the President consider before appointing a federal judge? There are four factors that the president takes in consideration when choosing a Federal judge which are experience, political ideology, party and personal loyalty, and ethnicity and gender. What is judicial review? It was established after which court case? Explain the case briefly. The judicial review is the final check that the judicial branch makes when reviewing laws from congress and executive branch. Their job is to make sure that the laws are constitutional, if not, they can reject them. The judicial branch received this power in 1803 by the Marbury vs madison case. In the final hours of the Adams administration, he appointed William Marbury as justice of the piece of the state of colombia. After requesting his commission by Madison and Jefferson, him and others affected by this situation started a class action lawsuit. Marbury and the others won the case giving power to the Judicial branch. What is the difference between judicial restraint and judicial

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