Jpmorgan's Competitive Strategy

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Competitive Strategy: JPMorgan competitive strategy relies on both differentiation and on its cost. The company knows that they have a long and reputable trust with people. They have the know and experience when it comes to services provided by a bank. They also like to acquire smaller banks, so that there are low potentials of competition. JPMorgan is on the cutting edge of cost cutting. They are able to offer a customer the convenience and low-cost banking with JPMorgan. This year, JPMorgan is building new ATMs that are smaller,less expensive, and are lighter so that it can be placed in multiple branches. Not only that because the ATM is smaller they can place it right against the teller line. This is speed up the line as well as slowly …show more content…

To try to solve this problem banks have implemented more technological advanced ATMs that will make it easier and faster for customers to use the banking system. They are cheaper to produce and can run virtually 24/7 by themselves. This cuts down on employees as well as having to have big branches. Now even if a branch closes down they can replace it with multiple ATMs. That can do what a normal teller does.
With the machine-led branches becoming more popular banks can now cut extreme costs with the machines. They no longer need many employees, a space to rent or buy, and they can be open 24/7. They also are attracting new customers because the customers can interact fast with a machine than a bank teller. I believe that the bank industry is definitely taking the right initiatives to start with automated banking. For myself I only use electronic banking ever since I set up my bank account. Everyone uses plastic cards or phones now to pay for everything, I believe that banks need to follow the trend and be able to provide new innovative services for the consumers. I suggest that banks have more cyber security measures inline or monitoring so that customers can be assured that their information and bank accounts are secured. I suggest to myself to get more involved with digital banking, because it is going to be more easier and faster with online

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