Impacts of ATM

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Impacts of Auto Teller Machines [ATM] on Maybank. Transactions and the costs saved by Maybank. It’s an undeniable fact that the Impact of ATMs on Maybank today is very large. Prior to the invention of ATMs, It was common for people to form long cues in the banks during transactions. However, today we rarely see this happening. Maybank bank has been able to provide its customers with the ‘Auto Teller Machine’ services, increasing the rate of transactions done all around Malaysia. Customers are provided with the ATM cards enabling them to do cash withdrawals, account inquiry, funds transfers, payment services, e-access ID application and even e-receipt. This has enabled Maybank to save costs as they will no longer need to pay their workers for the ‘Teller’ services, meanwhile, the performance for the transactions is increased. Now, they are able to provide services for a large number of customers within the shortest period of time. The ATM service is available for 24hours. This type of transaction has become beneficial to both the customers and the bank. Location Maybank has been abl...

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