Joseph Reyes

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There once was a boy named Joseph Anthony Reyes. To the naked eye he seemed like every other eleven year old boy on Pinewood Drive. He was short and scrawny with unkempt, brown hair that fell just below his ears. His little legs flew him off the bus and through the yard. He reached the front porch; opened and then slammed the door; threw off his back pack; ran his way threw the living room and found himself in the backyard. The rocks were all accounted for as well as the small scraps of wood. His father’s tool belt was in the corner of his eye, when his mother opened the back door. “Come on in Joey we need to talk about your last spelling test,” his mother called. His little legs dragged their normal path to the back door. She helped him understand …show more content…

They rushed out to greet him full of excitement and hope. They hugged his calves and unstuck the seeds from his jeans. The stones were quickly thrown to the ground beside him and replaced with familiar greetings. When they lead him to the ground and told him to rest he complied without hesitation. The visitor was adorned with flowers and gifts. Joseph had become decorated and stuffed with food. And then he slept. The queen ordered that their be a blanket made in honor of his visit, so that he could rest underneath it the following night. There was not a moment within the eight hours that he slept that a little eye was not watching him. They were absorbed with the thoughts of his day to day life. The tried to use the things in his tool belt, but they were much too big for the small creatures. As he slept they fantasized about what he would make for them this year. He awoke as the sun reached its head above the horizon. His first sights were hundreds of fairies gasping at every movement he made. He thought that the little creatures were funny. They over reacted to every single thing. A yawn gained a glorious thunder of applause. The next step in his morning was a beautiful feast. He was stuffed with nuts and fruit as he began …show more content…

He packed his supplies and tools and began the journey. When he reached the clearing he was not met by a single fairy. He walked to the big tree. His houses were empty. They had been lived in, but there was no one to be found. He searched the surrounding woods as well as their old homes, but he found nothing. There were no fairies left. He was too late. The trip back was depressing. The bryers stung as he ripped through the weeds and tears formed in his eyes. The path took much less time now that he was older. The question popped into his head; had he made it up all of those years ago? He came into the backyard to see that the tiny window to the left of the back door was open and his daughter was struggling to shimmy through. He quickly ran to help her. When she plopped out into the grass her face turned bright red. She thought she was in trouble. Her father laughed and let her play. He sat on the steps by his back door to pick the seeds off of his jeans when he saw it. She had grabbed his tool belt and a few scraps of wood. He was right, he was filled with joy when she began to dance and create. He knew now why they had left the clearing. They found another scrawny eleven year old to spoil and teach; it was her turn now and he would not take her away from

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