John F Kennedy Inaugural Speech Essay

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The first speech a person delivers can make or break other people’s initial impressions of him or her, giving them a reputation that may overshadow other qualities, good or bad. The crowd could love every word of the speech, and the speaker would revel in their everlasting applause. On the other hand, it could leave a stinging impression on the audience that would inhibit them from looking past this one particular speech if it did not suit their opinions. This type of situation can be every politician’s greatest fear, knowing his or her words will be remembered by so many people. Still, when being inaugurated, many American presidents have used this opportunity to allow their listeners to remember exactly why they won the election. …show more content…

Kennedy was able to use his inaugural speech as a tool to proclaim to Americans and the citizens of the world the many tasks he hoped to accomplish during his time in office, including world unity and help for the less fortunate. His words continue to be relevant to all, as his goals are continuously met and improved. The inaugural address of John F. Kennedy used many different rhetorical techniques in order to explain his political beliefs and views on the current state of the world, which in turn motivated others to join his mission to better the world, then and now. When Kennedy became the President in 1961, he faced an era filled with tension, war, and poverty. The Civil Rights Movement was heating up and spreading throughout the country. Civil Rights protesters were being killed and harassed, and the expectation for Kennedy to do something about it was mounting. On the international front, after the conclusion of two …show more content…

These outreach programs designed to help destitute people in all corners of the world show the extent of Kennedy’s inspiration on his generation and the ones to follow. He was willing to dedicate as much time as needed to fully assist the needy people of the world, not because it would gather attention or praise, but simply because it was and continues to be the right thing to do. Kennedy acknowledged that “if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” With a society that is becoming more and more defined by wealth and social status, it is infinitely relevant that a strong focus on helping those who are less fortunate is held. Foundations as mentioned before that are rigorously dedicated to this type of service exemplify how many people, American and otherwise, have converted their “good words into good deeds,” just as Kennedy proposed. Through repetition of phrases to emphasize major points and specific sentence structure that enjoins that audience, President Kennedy was able to explicate what needed to be done to improve the world and in what ways those improvements could be completed. As the

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