Joe Smith Case Study Essay

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“Once a criminal, always a criminal.” This is a common saying and turn out to be true most of the times. Usually, the criminal attitude gets developed at early ages because of unfavourable social situations to which a youth gets exposed to, either intentionally or unintentionally. Later on negligence of law becomes personality attribute that leads to delinquent behaviours.
“Minor crime that is especially committed by youth is called delinquency. Sociologists, psychologists and philosophers have presented different theories while trying extensively to find out the deep-rooted reasons behind delinquent behaviours, which are becoming more serious and frequent with the passage of time.
Joe Smith Case Study in the light of Individual Level and Sociological Theories
Considering Joe’s Smith family, social circle and educational background, crimes committed by Joe did not seem to be accidental events as he had described them. Certainly he had led unusual life with so many troublesome social …show more content…

Joe spent a good part of his life in the eastern suburb of Austin, which is known for widespread criminal activities and a great deal of poverty. Drug dealing was common there and Joe, being ignored by his family and school fellows, found this as an easy escape. According to Social Disorganization theory, urban growth has created social disorganization that is usually evident in overcrowding, substandard residency, unemployment and so many family problems. Such factors led Joe to develop personality traits like toughness, street smartness and excitement, which are the focus of cultural deviance theory. Being raised in the environment of troubles and interacting with tough people, he wasn’t hesitant of getting involved in unlawful situations anymore. Joe actually found excitement in such activities and in showing off his physical strength through fighting

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