The Marxist Crime Perspective of Conflict Theory

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Countless studies from respected sociologists, criminologists, and psychologists have suggested several theories as to why juvenile delinquency exists. The theory this paper uses to explain for juvenile delinquency is the Marxist perspective of the Conflict Theory. What this paper seeks to achieve is to show how this theory is conceptualized, how it causes juvenile delinquency particularly for African Americans, statistics on African American juveniles, and why it could lead to a life of crime as juveniles transition into adulthood. In addition to this, the government will be examined on how it uses the legal system, law enforcement, and certain officials to control most of the population and contribute to this problem. Lastly, this paper will explore possible treatments, preventive measures, and solutions to help stop African American juvenile delinquency.
The Marxist perspective theory falls under Sociological Positivism. Bartollas and Miller (2014) posit that the Marxist perspective sees the government and the legal process as instruments that the elites, or bourgeoisie, use to control the masses. Turk (1982) states that capitalism is the root cause which forces juveniles to commit crime. In addition, Turk (1982) posits that the main reason for conflict relates to wealth. This is because the elites, who make up a small portion of the population, control most of the wealth in the country. The working class, on the other hand, comprises the largest portion of the population and is continually exploited to the point of breaking down where they are forced to turn to crime to survive. Quinney (1977) states the Positivist view calls for treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents since youth’s behav...

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