Jealousy In Othello Essay

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Jealousy can lead to someone doing a wrong act with lots of envy or lead them to physically hurt someone because of envy. Although jealousy can lead to a powerful extent, in Othello jealousy can lead to extremely powerful extents including death. In Shakespearian times, men were always at the top of women. There are many moments in the play were jealousy affects loved ones. For instance, when Iago the villainous character made up lies to get Othello to become desperately jealous and try to “fix” something by doing it completely wrong. Iago in this play also tells Roderigo to pick a fight with Cassio causing Roderigo to act in a manner the audience would never think of. Finally, with Iago's lies and his unpleasant greed, it leads to Othello making a terrible mistake which was killing the women he loved, Desdemona. In …show more content…

Jealousy can affect many things, one being, relationships. In Othello, Iago was extremely jealous of Othello. Iago made up all sorts of lies one which affected Desdemona and Othello's relationship completely. The handkerchief in the story was the first gift Othello had ever given Desdemona, which represents Othello love to Desdemona. Iago controls the handkerchief with the goal that Othello comes to consider it to be an image of Desdemona herself—her confidence and virtuousness. “I will in Cassio’s lodging lose this napkin, /And let him find it. Trifles light as air/Are to the jealous confirmations strong/As proofs of holy writ: /The Moor already changes with my poison:” (Shakespeare 3.3.321-324). From this Quote, Iago means that he is going to leave the handkerchief at Cassio's house and it will look like the absolute proof. Since this

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