The Importance Of Jealousy In William Shakespeare's Othello

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Throughout Othello the Moor of Venice we experience a rather uplifting story that seems to somehow come crashing down on not only the characters in the story but the reader also. Author William Shakespeare does a tremendous job at connecting us with the characters in the play. Othello, the protagonist in the play, falls slowly into the pit of destruction where jealousy takes control. He along with many other characters in the play are manipulated by Iago and slowly taken down from a peaceful, love filled, and triumphant place in their lives to one that is dark and revengeful. Many are led to their deaths because of the terrible deeds done by Iago, some of which include Othello himself who commits suicide only after murdering his new wife over nothing but the mindset of jealousy and hate. Shakespeare explores a vast amount of literary content here some of which delve into Jealousy. Jealousy alongside intense deceitful manipulation can introduce a person to another sinister side of themselves they never knew to existed. Iago 's ultimate goal in the play is not yet clearly laid out; there is much to …show more content…

He creates a mask from reality by lying and deceiving almost everyone he comes into contact with. At the same time he makes it look as though they are getting a better end of the deal by using the positive side of what he says to make them want to achieve the task. In turn, they are met with an outcome that they least expected because of how Iago turns the situation on them for the worst. He is very clever with words no matter the gullibility or intellect of the person or people he speaks with. What does he make of all this mayhem? How does he justify his reasoning of torturing these people in their heads? These questions sprout interesting answers as they may be answered in a few different

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