James Joyce's Dubliners

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The Journey Within

The theme of being trapped extends to many levels throughout James Joyce’s collection of short stories, Dubliners. The reader can often feel surrounded by an inescapable force that is making them read this seemingly plot-less book. Escaping this book becomes no more easier when asked to do a literary analysis. Never fear though, Dubliners transforms itself into a decently workable piece of art. In examining the Humanities Base Theme of individual and society and the Literary Base Themes of escape, journey, and entrapment in Dubliners there are quite a few examples of these themes that coincide with the readers’ feelings. Throughout Dubliners, characters feel trapped and make an attempt to escape society.

In the story “Counterparts”, a trapped man attempts to escape his surroundings. Farrington, a towering man, is engulfed by work. Work is such a large burden to him that his work ethic has dwindled to nothing. Work slowly is backing him into a corner. With no visible way out, Farrington takes extra lunch breaks, never gets work done on time, and even leaves work to drink. Throughout this story, drinking is his escape. While drinking, Farrington leaves his haunting world behind him.

A couple other burdens haunt Farrington. His family and social stature are driving him to alcoholism. One can sympathize with him because of his impending break down. Farrington’s almost jailed feelings lead him to argue with his wife, abuse his kid, and become less of a family man. These things have to affect his social stature too. His social stature is not high to begin with and his job and family have left him dwindling. He does not have much to come home to (even though his loving family is waiting for him every night). Farrington becomes lost in himself at the end of the story. With the alcohol constantly flowing, the abuse leads him to lose all respect for his being. His journey becomes abusive, both to himself and to others. “Counterparts” is just another story of a man searching for something he cannot find. The only thing Farrington finds is alcohol and a loss of control. Farrington is trapped in society and he cannot find a way out.

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