It's Time To Kill A Honey Bee, Bumble Bee

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1.Let’s start off with the obvious facts, bees are the insects who make honey, Another easy fact bees lives in the beehive. Last easy fact the boss would be the Queen bee.
2. There are about 20,000 Different species of bees over the world. These bees would include Honey Bees, Killer bees, Bumble Bees, and Carpenter Bees. There would be more said in this project but they would be the most important or well-known.
3. Beekeepers use smoke to calm down bees when they are collecting honey or when they are relocating a hive. Yep, this is the 1 way to get the honey without disturbing bees. Beekeepers are people who keep bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the bee produces including beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. 4. Killer bees for some reason have been well- …show more content…

One of the 2 pairs sees below the surface of the water while the other pair monitors above, with both sets keeping a very close eye for prey and predators.

3. Mosquito 1.Only the female mosquitoes bite. Both male and female feed mostly on fruit and plant nectar, but the female also needs the protein in blood to help the female mosquitoes eggs develop. Once she's had her fill of blood, she'll rest for a couple of days before laying her eggs. And obviously get lots of babies. 2.Mosquito is Spanish for “little fly.” The word reportedly originated in the early 16th century. In Africa, New Zealand and Australia, mosquitoes are often called “Mozzies”. 3.Mosquitoes don't have teeth. The females “bite” with a long, pointed mouthpart called a proboscis. They use the serrated proboscis to pierce the skin and locate a capillary, then draw blood through one of two tubes. 4. A mosquito can drink up to three times its weight in blood. Don't worry, though. It would take about 1.2 million bytes to drain all the blood from your

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