Heartworm Disease

690 Words2 Pages

I. Heartworm Disease is a very serious disease that affects and kills thousands of dogs each year.
II. I would like to share some important information about this disease especially if you are an owner or plain to become an owner of a dog.
III. I am the owner of a beautiful mix breed named Cocoa; she was diagnosed with Heartworm disease about 4 years ago. As you can imagine I was devastated to receive this news, especially since I had her on prevention which is a medication to prevent heartworms, since she was puppy. After some research I had discovered that the prevention she was on only protected a dog with a weight of 25-50 lbs, well she had gained a weight of about 60 lbs. so the prevention she was on was pretty much useless. (Show the slide of Cocoa)
IV. It is important to understand that your dog will die from Heartworm Disease if you don’t prevent it. I would like to communicate to you how canines get this disease, what your treatment options and how to prevent it.

Transitional: As you can imagine this is a very serious disease in dogs.

I. First, I would like to share how canines get this disease.
A. You wouldn’t think the carrier of this disease would come from a little mosquito bite but it does.
1. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on their website Animal and Veterinary it states the following. (Show a slide of how the heartworms are transferred)
2. The female mosquito bites an infected animal then carries their offspring which are called Microfilariae to your dog. (Administration, Animal and Veterinary)
3. Once your dog is infected with the parasitic worm the mosquito bites the next dog and the cycle continues. (Administration, Animal and Veterinary)
4. It only takes the parasite six to seven...

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...ust a few of the preventatives available from your veterinary. (Society)
B. It is very important to give your pet their preventative exactly 30 days apart without skipping a dose as in doing so can lead to a positive Heartworm test.
I. I hope I have helped you understand how canines get this disease and what your treatment options are. Also, the importance of keeping your pet on prevention.
II. Thousands of dogs die each year because of Heartworm Disease. The sad part is it can be prevented. I am in hopes that I have touched your heart in a special way today to make you more aware of the seriousness of this disease so your pet can live a long and healthy life.

Works Cited

Administration, U.S. Food and Drug. Animal and Veterinary. 02 Febuary 2014. Web. 17 Febuary 2014.
Society, American Heartworm. Canine Heartworm Disease. 01 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

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