Italian Immigrants In Nuovomondo's Golden Door

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Nuovomondo also known as Golden door

Golden Door tells the story of Italian emigration during the early twentieth century through the experiences of a Sicilian family to reach the United States. Salvatore Mancuso, his children and his mother, Donna Fortunata will face a new and very different world than they had imagined. Lucy, a young English girl with a mysterious past, joins them in this long journey. But not everyone will enjoy the privilege of crossing the gates of paradise
Golden Door represents a realistic depiction that descriptively explains Italian emigration in the early twentieth century, in which one character is deaf, specifically one of the two sons of the protagonist, Salvarote a hard working patriarch who decides to sell everything to take his children and his elderly mother in search of the new world belongs, embarks towards New York, along with thousands of Italians in search of a new life.
So, the whole family will leave Sicily in a decision that is not shared and will bring controversy because few understand the reasons why abandon what is yours to go after something that never belong to them. They dream of the land of opportunity, …show more content…

On the island, families experience and extensive testing and humiliating physical and psychological questions. The arguments and fights between immigrants and officials, doctors and nurses, leading to sharp dialogues, and are creating a climate of discontent among the newcomers. They had different national feelings, since they came from different cultures within Italy itself. This isolation has made it even more emotionally attached to their costumes. Also a brief part but important piece of the film is devoted to showing how marriages of convenience were arranged, as another strategy for survival in the new world. Migrants were also forced to marry in order to pass, as happens to Lucy, who married Salvatore who she barely

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