Islamic Empire Timeline Essay

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Islamic Empire Timeline
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Caliphate Empire:
570 AD – Birth of Muhammad
632 AD – Muhammad Died, the first caliph was succeeded by Abu Bakr, he is also the first Muslim ruler. Considered first caliphate by Sunni’s, Abu Bakr was chosen.
633 AD – Wars of Ridda, suppressed and against the tribes in Arabia, who did not owe loyalty to Abu Bakr. Futuhat begin, Muslim expand and conquest to southern Mesopotamia.
634 AD – Abu Bakr died, he passes the caliphate to Umar, and the Caliphate Empire kept expanding the lands after that.
639 AD – The Muslim calendar is organized, it was organized by Umar.
644 AD – Muslim soldiers caught a slave, which the slave assassinated Umar.
656 AD – The conquest of Islamic Empire kept under the Caliph Uthman. …show more content…

661 AD – Ali was assassinated. The Kharijites wants to end the civil war, so they killed all leaders.
661 AD – Ali’s son became the next caliph, he gave the control of the caliphate to Mu’awiya. The Umayyad Caliphate begun.

Umayyad Caliphate:
661 AD – Umayyad Caliphate was established by Mu’awiya
670 AD – The whole Middle East was controlled by Umayyad Caliphate, the Arabs made Damascus as the capital city of Umayyad Caliphate. Mu’awuya raised trained soldiers to expand the land.
680 AD – The Caliph Hussein was killed at Karbala
683 AD – Two Arab groups broke by civil war.
732 AD – The battle of Tours. This was fought between forces under the leader Charles and a massive invaded Islam army led by Emir, near the city of tours. During the fight, the Franks defeated the Islam army and Emir was killed.
740 AD – Rebel show the bad result to the Umayyad Empire.
750 AD – Every caliph of Umayyad Empire was killed but one was not.
Abbasid Caliphate:
750 AD – The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown by Abbasid Caliphate. The new caliphate-Abbasid Caliphate started.
762 AD – The Abbasid Caliph form Baghdad as their new capital city.
850 AD – The caliphs in Baghdad begin to employ Turkish slaves or in their …show more content…

1170 AD – Fatmid power ends in Egypt with his conquest.
1258 AD – When Hulagu and his army got to Baghdad, 800, 000 of the inhabitants are killed, and the caliph was kicked to death.
1517 AD – The last Abbasid caliph was captured by the Ottoman Turks, is taken as a prisoner, ending the line of successor to Muhammad.

Ottoman Caliphate:
1300 AD – Osman led his armies and displaces the Seljuk Turks. He becomes the leader of the new Ottoman Caliphate
1326 AD – When the city falls, Bursa is made into the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate.
1326 AD – Osman died, his son Orhan rules after his death. He control the caliphate to 1345, his son Murad rules next. He sets up system to train the slaves into soldiers know as Janissaries. He died in the battle while defeating the Serbians.
1402 AD – 1413 AD – Civil War. Bayezid’s son fought for control. In 1413 Mehmed wins and reunites the caliphate. He died in 1421
1453 AD – Culture Rises – During Mahmed’s reign, Istanbul becomes a political, cultural, and economic center. A special tax was charged to resident.
1566 AD – Slowly Decline. When the caliph died, his son rules, but he never goes to fight battles and his government is

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