Isfj Personality Analysis

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Before I took the personality trait test I did not know what to expect and I did not have a clue on what type of questions would ask. However, after I had taken the test I realized that some of the questions that were asked were questions I personally never gave any thought about; before answering each question I had to deeply think about my response. Once I was done answering the personality trait question I immediately received my results. My test results describe my personality as ISFJ which stand for introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. Each template gave a percent of each characteristic I possessed. According to the test I was 34% introvert, 28% sensing, 31% feeling, and 22% judging. People that withhold the ISFJ characteristic trait are typically nurturing; they enjoy the need …show more content…

Although ISFJ people are sometimes misunderstood by their peers, they will always withhold the characteristic of being a protector to others. These protectors find great joy and satisfaction in caring and assisting others. ISFJ is suggested to work in social work, childcare management, religious education, health care administration, nursing, customer service specialist, and computer science and software. Protectors such as ISFJ people enjoy most of the jobs that are previously listed because it gives them the chance to help others and to work alone while caring for others. Protectors are not afraid to put in the long hours of hard work; they are able to take any task and complete it the best of their ability, they also understand the value of a dollar more than others and will not misuse it but instead they would save it for emergencies in the future (Guardian Portrait of the Protectors (ISFJ), n.d.). I believe that I am ISFJ person because each character describes what time of person I

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