Is Your Dream Worth Dying For?

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Many people try to achieve their dreams knowing they could hurt themselves or possibly die. For example a snake charmer could encounter the Inland Taipan. “The Inland Taipan is about 68 times as poisonous as the King Cobra, and 740 times as poisonous as the Western Diamondback Rattle snake (Jamie James, page 139)”. Which leads to my question, if your passion could cause you to severely injure yourself, family members, or friends really worth taking that risk? Is your passion worth hurting your friends or family? In the article Niagara by Tightrope, Blondin puts his manager’s life on the line just for entertainment. Blondin tells Harry while he is on the rope, "Look up, Harry... You are no longer Colcord you are Blondin... be a part of me, mind, body, and soul. If I sway, sway with me. Do not attempt to do any balancing by yourself. If you do we will both go to our death (Roger Hudson, page 1)". Blondin thought his passion would only be better if he performed stunts that no other tightrope walker would attempt by putting someone else’s life on the line. This takes me to the...

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