Essay On My Passion For Dentistry

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Many people ask me why I still continue to pursue dentistry even though I have been rejected so many times. I sometimes wonder this same question myself. Maybe it's insanity, maybe it's pride, or maybe it's perseverance. It may, in fact, be a combination of all three, but for me, I believe I am pursuing my passion something I am called to do. It is one thing to pursue something you want to do, but it is another thing to pursue something you are called to do. I realized at a young age that there was more to life than just doing for self, life is about helping those around you. I have always had a passion for helping people and I knew that helping people was the calling placed on my life. But, growing up, I wasn't sure how I was going to pursue or use this passion. When I was in high school I was involved in a weightlifting accident that almost resulted in the amputation of all my fingers on my left hand, fortunately, I had great doctors that were able to save my fingers and make them fully functional. This accident could have drastically changed my life, but it didn't, and I made a vow that whatever I did in life I would make sure it involved the use of my hands.
It wasn't until 10 years ago that I realized …show more content…

As an African American male one thing I have observed is that there is not a large representation of people who look like me in not only dentistry but the medical field as a whole. One of the most frustrating things I experience is when a person of color comes up to me and asks me if I can recommend any black doctors for them and I have no answer because there just aren’t many out there. I want to fix this issue and fill the void that is being left in my community. I want to be that person little black kids can look up to and say I want to be just like him when I grow

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