Is The Bible Reliable Essay

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Many people think that the Bible is a unreliable document. But that is false. The Bible has been proven, many times, to be true and reliable. And all of the the evidence is easy to verify. It can be show in three things.

The first point is the text. The scribes copied these bookes of the Bible. They took this job very seriously and tried their hardest to not make any mistake. If they did make even one little mistakes like a letter misread then then would have to restart the scroll. Because you can't erase anything off of a scroll. But they had ways to ensure that this wouldn’t happen by counting the amount of words and letter. They also checked to see what word was in the middle and of that word wasn’t in the middle then they would have to start over again. …show more content…

These scrolls were almost completely flawless. But seeing that we are all sinful that is not possible. But they tried their best. They then found some scholars and sold these scrolls. But they also were not perfect and cut each in half to get more money. When the scholars got these scrolls they found out that some of the scrolls were 1000 years apart. Which shows that the stories were true because the story did not change over time.

The Bible talks a lot about King David. But people thought that he was no more than a mere myth. He was like King Arthur to them. However, it has been discovered that a stone marker from the antient town of Dan has the name of an Israelite king from the house of David. It is almost 3,000 years old.

Many have doubted in many thing having to deal with the Bible but the archeologist have been able to prove them over and over again wrong. Over and over again proving the Bible to be true and right in all stances. The Bible is not a fantasy, made up, fairy tale story. It deals with real, actual events that happened in history. Throughout the whole Bible it tells the truth of real

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