Biblical Inerrancy

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Biblical Inerrancy
Inerrancy simply means that the Bible is without error. It’s a belief in the “total truthfulness and reliability of God’s words.” Inerrancy is extremely important because it is attached to the character of God; it is taught in the Scriptures; it is the historic position of the Christian Church, and it is foundational to other essential doctrines. Inerrancy is based on the character of God who cannot lie (Heb. 6:18; Titus 1:2). God cannot lie intentionally because He is an absolute moral law-giver. He cannot err unintentionally because He is omniscient. Therefore, if the Bible is the written Word of God (and it is), then it is without error.
An inerrant text is considered infallible, truthful, reliable, totally free of error …show more content…

Inerrancy means that every sentence, when interpreted correctly in accordance with its literary genre and its literary sense is wholly reliable.
However, infallibility remains useful. Infallibility means that Scripture never fails in its purpose. The Bible makes good on all its claims, including its truth claims. God's Word never leads astray. It is important to recall that language may be used for many different purposes, and not to state facts only. Inerrancy, then, is a subset of infallibility: when the Bible's purpose is to make true statements, it does this too without fail. Yet the Bible's other speech acts - warnings, promises, questions - are infallible too.
The Bible’s own understanding of truth stresses reliability. God’s Word is true because it can be relied upon - relied upon to make good its claim and to accomplish its purpose. We may therefore speak of the Bible's promises, commands, warnings, etc. as being “true”, inasmuch as they too can be relied upon. Together, the terms inerrancy and infallibility remind us that the Word of God is wholly reliable not only when it speaks, but also when it does the …show more content…

It refers to something that is without any type of defect whatsoever. Those who trust its infallible teachings will never be lead astray. Inerrancy is a natural outflow of infallibility in the traditional, orthodox sense. Since the authors could not err when writing Scripture, the bible contains no affirmations of anything that is contrary to fact. Inerrancy is a quality of the original text of the bible. Translations may err, but the original manuscripts penned by the prophets and apostles do

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