Is Technology Really Beneficial?

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Overall, on the youthful, abundant, and thriving ball of life that is called Earth, there are mass amounts of technology being used across the globe. Whether it be internet, machinery, or anything of the sort. Almost everything that occurs in daily lives involves the use of technology. That brings up quite possibly one of the most-often debated questions that has ever been argued over: Is technology really beneficial, or is it simply making the population lazy and stupid? Realistically, technology is similar to having the world at the touch of the fingertips. It practically makes a man into a knowledge deity or god. How, exactly, could this be non-beneficiary?
Keith Hampton states in his “Social Media As A Community” that out of a study done, those who used social media had more close confidants. These days, parents often scold their children for either texting, being on their phone, laptop, etc. Quite often, these parents tell their children that …show more content…

When in reality, the exact opposite is occurring. Back before computers and the internet existed, people often didn’t have direct access to information on EXACT topics. Nicholas Carr touches on this topic by writing “Suppose I'm interested in the guidance computers on Apollo spacecraft in the 1960s. My local library has no books on that specific subject—just 18 books about the Apollo missions in general. I could hunt through those or turn to Google, which returns 45,000 pages, including a definitive encyclopedia article and instructions for building a unit.” (The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains) If this situation was real, the person wanting the information wouldn't know how the guidance computers worked. Not only does the person have minimal knowledge on the topic, but they wasted time going to look for something they wouldn’t find in their local

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